Now I know there are not half that many units made in 3D format for Civilization yet, but I have overcome that. As of right now I am planning on having 18 German Vehicles at the least. G was useless in battle, they were converted into StuG III Assault Guns, and various other platforms. G is the main tank available for the Germans.

At the start of my scenario, the Panzer III Ausf. An example of this would be the Panzer III.

It is planned on being even more grand than the Civ 2 version because I can have as many units as I want, so I can give every unit to every side and have realistic upgrades. The one I am planning for Civ 3 is going to use the same map, as I have been slowly porting it over tile by tile to a Civ 3 map. You can check out my Civilization II scenario here. I've been working mostly on my WWII Gigamap scenario for Civilization 2, and the one for Civ 3 on the side. Well guys, I have been working on it quietly for a while now, but not really working on it dedicatedly.